Online Advertising Agencies Get Clear Attribution for Digital Ad Campaigns

The effectiveness of online advertising is partly determined by the attribution of clicks for digital ad campaigns. So, online advertising agencies welcome new opportunities for improving the process. including the announcement of Data-Driven Attribution, which is a new tool that helps assign proper credit to every digital advertising touch point for the optimal combination.

Data-Driven Attribution uses a modeling methodology developed by Google engineers and grounded in advanced statistics and economic principles. It assigns credit accurately and automatically to all your online advertising served through DoubleClick.

This tool makes it easier for online advertising agencies to allocate your digital media budget because Data-Driven Attribution is:

  • Actionable: The contribution made by each marketing channel is clear, so you can make better data-driven advertising decisions.
  • Accessible: Just choose your goals and Data-Driven Attribution will show you the contribution made by each of your digital ad campaigns.
  • Comprehensive: No need for new tags, just turn on the feature and you’ll see data for your campaigns.

Some online advertising can have a big impact on a purchase, other ads can help the process along, and still others may not contribute at all. With better advertising attribution, there’s no guesswork, which means better digital ad campaign performance.


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