Pay Per Click Advertising Program Expands PPC Ads

Google announced the biggest change to their pay per click advertising program since AdWords launched fifteen years ago. Mobile is revolutionizing the space where pay per click ads live, and earlier this year Google removed right-hand side PPC ads to make them more consistent across search devices. That paved the way for Google to introduce a big change to their PPC advertising program, which is called Expanded Text Ads.

The new pay per click ad program essentially doubles the size of advertising headlines and provides more ad space so advertisers can showcase more information about products and services.

Here are the key changes:

More Prominent Headlines

The current pay per click advertising program allows one 25 character headline. When the new ad program rolls out, Google will allow pay per click ads to have two 30 character headlines.

Longer Description Line

Pay per click ads currently use a format of two 35 character description lines. That PPC ad format will be replaced by one consolidated 80 character description line.

Relevant Display URL

Manually entered display URLs in pay per click ads will be replaced by automatically extracted URLs. you can customize the URL path to enhance the display.

Based on early testing, up to 20% higher clickthrough rates have been reported compared to current PPC ads. Google hasn’t provided a specific release date, but the new PPC advertising program is supposed to roll out later this year.

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